
Main subjects

New advances on cholesterol, hair loss, heartburn, kombucha, prostata, psoriasis, varicose veins and the medicinal plants extracts possibilities. Articles, reports, eBooks, recipes.


Are medicinal plants useful

There are miriads of opinions on medicinal plants. The fact is that taking into account some real problems when intending to use them correctly, either for cure alleviate or support a medical treatment, there are a lot of achievements that cannot be denied.

I have been using medicinal plants extracts myself, for many years by now.

One of the cases, my benign prostatic hyperplasia. Despite of a malignant tumour development genetic predisposition and of the usual controls made, I am controlling my prostate immflamation since 25 years ago with (guess ?) medicinal plants !

First was Prunus spinosa, after Epilobium parviflorum, more recently Malva sylvestris and lately a few extracts combination. The exam results, always the same "Grade 1 adenoma" and PSA within normal range.

A final comment, would you want to know how much is this treatment costing me ? 4 (yes, four) american dollars a month !

For this and more natural products visit Doctor Green 2008's recipes


Psoriasis rashes

After a lot of stressed years, due to economic problems and triggered by an additional emotional situation a typical pruritus, with small plaques formation, started to show up at my elbows. The smarting was very annoying sometimes.

Scratching produced a temporary reliefI tolerated that for about 10 days.

Thereafter I began my research. The medical analysis, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment would have taken a lot of weeks.

The literature review showed me some very awful cases. Mi problem, psoriasis though, was and still it is mild. At the next attack, preceded by another stress episode I started to test my own products made of plants extracts.

With local treatments I didn't get major achievements but, orally with individual and mixed extracts the situation was rewarding. Symptoms including pruritus disappeared in less than 24 hours. To create some catch for next posts, one of the plants that I have used is "sarsaparrilla" (Smilax officinalis), a vine that growth in our native bushes. 

Other of the very useful plants was boldo (Peumus boldus) commonly used for liver complaints.

high cholesterol control

As a high blood cholesterol levels sufferer and with a couple of atheromas already formed in my artheries, I have made a quite complete research about this ailment.

In coming posts I will be writing my findings and comments on this very very complex pathological item.

I have to admit already that my dear plants are not very useful when the high levels are due to genetic information. Neither the diet, of course.