
Medicinal food

Foods that, as such, may act on different diseases should be grouped into "medical food". Its activity is due to chemical compounds present in plants that have specific activities and allow different degrees of healing activity, prevention, decrease  damage or even cure a disease. 

The main active chemical substances are: beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, betaglucan, insoluble fiber, mucilage, whole grains fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids, Omega 3, conjugated linoleic acid, antocyanidins, catechins, epicatechin and procyanidins, flavanons, quercetin, kaempherol or myricetin, proanthocyanidins, sulforafane and other isothiocyanates, caffeic and ferulic acids, stanols, sugar alcohols, prebiotics, dadzein and genistein, lignans, alicin, ditioltiones, and so on. 

A key feature is that its activity is attained with the consumption of normal quantities of food, provided a healthy diet. 

Carrots and various fruits (orange, kiwi. apple, cherry) contain beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that can damage cells and enhances their antioxidant defenses. 

Cabbage, kale, spinach, blueberries, plums, avocado, kiwi, grapes, citrus, corn, eggs, contain lutein and zeaxanthin that may help to maintain healthy vision, both for its antioxidant activity and by its direct activity on macular cells. 

Tomatoes contain lycopene and derivatives with antiinflammatory properties, seen on benign prostatic hyperplasia control, anti-oxidant properties that prevent macular degeneration and visual loss, and also it may reduce some types of tumors incidence, such as prostate cancer. 

Oat bran, oatmeal and barley contain a complex sugars type  substance fiber, beta glucan, that can reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing the absorption of bile salts and hence the formation of cholesterol by at least 5% (at a rate of about 3 grams daily). 

Wheat bran and other vegetables contain insoluble fiber which may contribute to maintain the digestive tract health, promoting intestinal transit by increasing the tract content volume. 

Zaragatona or psillium seed contains a large amount of soluble fiber, a mucilage, which has the ability to absorb large amounts of water and thereafter increase in size, producing a feeling of satiety and acts as a medicine decreasing appetite. 

Whole grain cereals promote a slower digestion therefore lowering blood glucose levels. Recent research suggests that some molecules naturally present in these plants have anti-tumor properties. They also contain phytoestrogens, phytic acid,
phenolic compounds and inhibitors of the enzymatic activity. Whole grains are also rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, and nutrients with beneficial effects on antioxidant systems, such as selenium. 

Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids, whose continued consumption lowers cholesterol blood levels, with an additional benefit, since it has been demonstrated that increases HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein AI levels, achieving an antiatherogenic role. 

Hazelnuts and linseed oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 type. The most striking and clearly demonstrated activity is the lowering of triglycerides levels and decreased VLDL synthesis by the liver. The main source are fish and seafood. 

Beef. sheep and some dairy products contain conjugated linoleic acid that has shown to have important properties.It lowers cholesterol in a similar way to Omega 3, it stimulates the immune system and could act on allergy and cancer situations, eg breast tumors. A possible effect on body fat, although very promoted, has not yet been fully demonstrated. 

Blueberries, cherries, blueberries and red grapes contain antocyanidins, flavonoids with significant antioxidant properties. Injunctions are attributed to some digestive enzymes, which collaborate in the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus of obesity. They appear to enhance neuronal function and memory, improve the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, reduce blood capillaries fragility (important in fluid retention) and varicose veins, strengthen collagen, important for skin and tissues rejuvenation and to have anti-inflammatory properties, which are usually medicated for sports injuries and pain. 

Tea, cocoa, apples, grapes contain catechins, epicatechin and procyanidins, flavonoids with the capacity to modify the body's reaction to allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. The fruits, vegetables, tea or red wine beneficial effects have been attributed to those flavonoid compounds. 

The citrus fruits contain flavanones that neutralize free radicals, and are related to  of blood vessels and bones health, cancer control, allergies prevention, inflammation reduction, and show certain anti-microbial activity. 

Onions, apples, tea, broccoli contain flavonols, quercetin, kaempherol and myricetin with antioxidant activity that protect blood vessels and prevent some types of tumors (ie pancreas). 

Blackberries, chocolat, apples, strawberries, grapes, wine, peanuts, cinnamon are a source of proanthocyanidins, important to treat chronic venous insufficiency, associated with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. This activity is mainly due to blood vessel walls colagen and elastin strengthening. Other alleged actions, they combat wrinkles, they are antioxidants, they prevent atheromas and reduce joints inflammation. 

Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, radish and other plants contain sulforafane and other isotiocianates that are able to suppress tumors development blocking the enzymes responsible for one of the process phases. 

Apple, pears, citrus, some other vegetables, coffee, chocolate and tea contain phenols and phenolic derivatives, including caffeic and ferulic acids. They have important antioxidant properties, controlling cholesterol oxidation and improving eye sight. There is some evidence of cancer protection. These acids also protect skin from UV rays. 

Corn, soybeans, wheat, contain stanols, free sterols that reduce cholesterol intestinal absorption leading to a reduction of blood cholesterol levels. 

Many plants sugars are alcohols, as xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, lactitol, are used as sweeteners, with fewer adverse effects than refined sugar. The risk of dental caries can also be reduced. 

The so-called prebiotics, as dietary fiber inulin (roots, tubers and roots of chicory, dandelion, yacon), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) (chicory, artichokes, asparagus, garlic, onion, tomatoes or bananas among others) improve the intestinal transit and the microbial balance in the intestinal tract, are non-digestible substances fermented in the lower intestine. 

Soy contains genistein and dadzeina, phytoestrogens, compounds that seem to prevent cancer by many mechanisms, including inhibition of angiogenesis, a crucial aspect in new blood vessels formation needed for tumors growth and spread. Their best known property is the hormonal balance regulation in menopausic women. Also they maintain bone balance and the nervous system functions. 

Flax, rye and some vegetables contain lignans, insoluble fiber that can lower cholesterol levels and stimulate the inmmune system. 

Beans or soybeans contain a protein that has been shown to reduce levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides, maintaining levels of HDL cholesterol. 

Garlic, onion and leek contain allicin that is transformed into sulfo and thiols as diallyl sulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, in blood react with red blood cells, causing a drop in blood pressure and blood viscosity. The activity of garlic on cholesterol levels and other properties was already mentioned. 

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts contain ditioltiones that contribute to proper immune system functions. 

The list is extensive and if our readers ask for, the list could be expanded and treated more extensively on each of the cases mentioned.


Food as medicine

The use of food to improve health, beyond its traditional input of nutrients, has been growing up fast. That is the reason why terms as nutraceuticals (nutrients with pharmacological properties ), functional foods, substances derived from foods, modified food and food products, have been used in a confusing way. 

The topic is of great importance and should be investigated and 
regulated in depth and with rigor. Foods can prevent, control, alleviate and cure diseases. Indeed, many communities have been using them since many years ago. 

This is a subject that I will develop in several entries. At the beginning seems important to separate terms. Foods that may act on different diseases should be grouped into "medical food", as the case of garlic. Substances that are added to foods to improve their diet properties, should be integrated into "supplemented food", as milk with minerals. Substances isolated from foods that are "complements", for instance the Omega 3. Modified foods, either by culture or processing techniques, as well as those obtained by genetical modification, should be grouped as "modified food". 

Unless you readers, suggest different grouping methods, which I will acknowledge and take into consideration, in future entries I will discuss, 

1 .- Medicinal food 
2 .- Supplemented food
3 .- Complements
4 .- Modified food 

And for you not to think I am forgetting the main theme of these blogs, in most cases, the examples will include medicinal plants that can be consumed in the diet for palliative or curative actions.


Health benefits of herbs and spices

In my search for scientific information I came across this article that I think summarizes many of my own thoughts, therefore I quote its published abstract.

Health benefits of herbs and spices: the past, the present, the future.

Med J Aust. 2006 Aug 21;185(4 Suppl):S4-24.

Tapsell LC, Hemphill I, Cobiac L, Patch CS, Sullivan DR, Fenech M, Roodenrys S, Keogh JB, Clifton PM, Williams PG, Fazio VA, Inge KE.

National Centre of Excellence in Functional Foods, University of Wollongong, NSW.

Herbs and spices have a traditional history of use, with strong roles in cultural heritage, and in the appreciation of food and its links to health. Demonstrating the benefits of foods by scientific means remains a challenge, particularly when compared with standards applied for assessing pharmaceutical agents. Pharmaceuticals are small-molecular-weight compounds consumed in a purified and concentrated form. Food is eaten in combinations, in relatively large, unmeasured quantities under highly socialised conditions. The real challenge lies not in proving whether foods, such as herbs and spices, have health benefits, but in defining what these benefits are and developing the methods to expose them by scientific means.

CULTURAL ASPECTS: The place of herbs and spices in the diet needs to be considered in reviewing health benefits. This includes definitions of the food category and the way in which benefits might be viewed, and therefore researched. Research may focus on identifying bioactive substances in herbs and spices, or on their properties as a whole food, and/or be set in the context of a dietary cuisine.

THE ROLE OF HERBS AND SPICES IN HEALTH: The antioxidant properties of herbs and spices are of particular interest in view of the impact of oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the development of atherosclerosis. There is level III-3 evidence (National Health and Medical Research Council [NHMRC] levels of evidence) that consuming a half to one clove of garlic (or equivalent) daily may have a cholesterol-lowering effect of up to 9%. There is level III-1 evidence that 7.2 g of aged garlic extract has been associated with anticlotting (in-vivo studies), as well as modest reductions in blood pressure (an approximate 5.5% decrease in systolic blood pressure). A range of bioactive compounds in herbs and spices have been studied for anticarcinogenic properties in animals, but the challenge lies in integrating this knowledge to ascertain whether any effects can be observed in humans, and within defined cuisines. Research on the effects of herbs and spices on mental health should distinguish between cognitive decline associated with ageing and the acute effects of psychological and cognitive function. There is level I and II evidence for the effect of some herbal supplements on psychological and cognitive function. There is very limited scientific evidence for the effects of herbs and spices on type 2 diabetes mellitus, with the best evidence being available for the effect of ginseng on glycaemia, albeit based on four studies. More research is required, particularly examining the effects of chronic consumption patterns. With increasing interest in alternatives to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the management of chronic inflammation, research is emerging on the use of food extracts. There is level II evidence for the use of ginger in ameliorating arthritic knee pain; however, the improvement is modest and the efficacy of ginger treatment is ranked below that of ibuprofen. More definitive research is required.

PUBLIC HEALTH AND DIETARY IMPLICATIONS: Recommendations for intakes of food in the Australian guide to healthy eating do not yet include suggested intakes of herbs and spices. Future consideration should be given to including more explicit recommendations about their place in a healthy diet. In addition to delivering antioxidant and other properties, herbs and spices can be used in recipes to partially or wholly replace less desirable ingredients such as salt, sugar and added saturated fat in, for example, marinades and dressings, stir-fry dishes, casseroles, soups, curries and Mediterranean-style cooking. Vegetable dishes and vegetarian options may be more appetising when prepared with herbs and spices.

FUTURE DIRECTIONS: As several metabolic diseases and age-related degenerative disorders are closely associated with oxidative processes in the body, the use of herbs and spices as a source of antioxidants to combat oxidation warrants further attention. Immediate studies should focus on validating the antioxidant capacity of herbs and spices after harvest, as well as testing their effects on markers of oxidation. This will work in parallel with clinical trials that are aiming to establish antioxidants as mediators of disease prevention. From a dietary perspective, the functionality of herbs and spices will be exposed through consideration of their properties as foods. As with most foods, the real benefits of including them in the diet are likely to emerge with a better understanding of the attributes of health that are best supported by food, and in methodological developments addressing the evidence base for their effects. These developments are well underway through evidence-based frameworks for substantiating health claims related to foods. At present, recommendations are warranted to support the consumption of foods rich in bioactive components, such as herbs and spices. With time, we can expect to see a greater body of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of herbs and spices in the overall maintenance of health and protection from disease.


Psoriasis and medicinal plants

Like most so-called autoimmune diseases, psoriasis has no definitive cure, at least until now. A healthy diet, high in fiber with lots of fruits and vegetables. Besides oil supplementation with Omega 3 and Omega 6.

I am giving some general guidelines on medicinal plants that have proved beneficial to control the onset of common psoriasis with plaques in different parts of the body.

One of the triggers of psoriasis is the nervous system, so the use of plants that moderate its functionning as, chamomile flowers (Matricaria chamomilla, recutita), valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) and passionflower leaves (Passiflora incarnata), infusion, are recommended.

Internal use, as immunomodulatory and cleansing are used:

Kalawalla, Calaguala, Samambaia (Polypodium decumanum) the use of aerial parts aqueous extracts this fern with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties is due to the presence of several active substances that interfere with the processes that lead to psoriasis.

Sarsaparrilla (Smilax officinalis), the roots aqueous extract of this plant, high in saponins and steroids, has proved an excellent general depurative with several important activities in the body among which a benefit on most of chronic skin disorders.

Boldo (Peumus boldus), an infusion of its leaves, used traditionally as a regulator of the hepatic and biliary function, has been used successfully in common psoriasis. The alkaloid boldine seems to be the most important chemical but not the only one. Its regulatory activities of digestion, its anti-inflammatory activity and a mild calming effect seems to explain the benefits obtained in cases of psoriasis.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), a decoction of this plant, with high mineral content and with diuretic properties, is a beneficial complement

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), leaves and roots infusions is a well-known, traditional depurative agent, so a regular treatment with this product is almost essential in most chronic problems.

Other plants with immunomodulatory activity such as echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) and cat's claw (Uncaria tormentosa) or with antioxidant activity such as thyme (Thymus vulgaris), with anti-inflammatory activity such as turmeric (Curcuma longa) and gastrointestinal and liver regulators as artichoke (Cynara
scolymus) and linseed (Linum usitatissimum) are recommended and are important.

External use:

Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) gel of this plant, extracted directly or processed to stabilize the product, it is very important as a moisturizer and emollient.

Rosemary hydroalcoholic tincture (Rosmarinus officinalis), increases local circulation and promotes cleansing of altered skin altered.

Sage (Salvia officinalis) and nettles (Urtica dioica) decoctions, borage oil (Borago officinalis) and onagre oil (Oenothera biennis) have also proven useful.

Exposure to the sun for curative purposes should be considered but is outside the scope of this site.


Obesity and medicinal plants

Basically the obesity problem has three main aspects, a mental behaviour, a physiological mechanism and a pathologycal component. In all these items and in other aspects, the genetic influence is present. For some of them, medicinal plants have demonstrated to be useful.

Anxiety is one of the main behavioural items. Anxiolytic plants as chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla, recutita), Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Kava kava (Piper methysticum), Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), Pasion flower (Passiflora incarnata), Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis ) and others. 

On a physiological approach, plants can be used to decrease appetite, such as those containing serotonin, as walnut (Juglans regia) or hoodia (Hoodia gordonii) that acts at brain level and plants that produce satiety by increasing digestive tract contents volume. Some condiments work in the same direction. Seeds of plantago (Plantago psilium), sesame (Sesamum indicus) and flax (Linum usitatissimum) have been used successfully. 

There are many plants that can act by accelerating the metabolism, increasing the elimination of water, interfering with the absorption of glucose, etc.. Garcinia Cambogia is another plant that has the ability to block simple conversion of carbohydrates to fat in the body, as well as, apparently, increase the level of serotonin in the blood.

Finally, considering obesity as a disease, medicinal plants can not act alone. The decision to use and how to take the specialists and that, as with any illness must be addressed in a comprehensive manner, including the setting up of the patient. 

Obviously this is a very general approach and only serves as a start point of discussion, which is what we hope to create, interest in discussing and contributing. 


Antimicrobial plants

The vast majority of antibiotics used in modern medicine are or have been produced by microorganisms, yeasts or fungi, which belong to the vegetable kingdom. Higher plants mainly produce antimicrobials as a defense mechanism against infections or these substances are constituents of cellular metabolism.

Differentiation of antimicrobial activity in antiseptic, antibacterial, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antifungal, fungicide, antiviral, virus, will not be done in this entry, just the mention of plants that have shown such activity. I left out of this first communication a large quantity of plants with lesser use in the Latin world.

As expected, besides a long list of plants with antimicrobial activity, a number of chemical compounds responsible for this activity are involved as well. Alkaloids, coumarins, simple phenols, flavones, quinones and tannins are the most common.

ACACIA (Acacia farnesiana, nilotica)

Leaves and fruits

Antibacterial properties of some species of acacia are due to its tannin content in concordance with the extracts concentration.

GARLIC (Allium sativum)

The bulb is used.

Its antibacterial activity has been attributed to a sulfur amino acid, the aliin, with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. There are a lot of medicinal products prepared from garlic bulbs (bulbs generally dried or aged). In powder, tinctures and so on.

Bardana (Arctium lappa)

This plant is a bit obsolete though its antimycotic properties deserves further studies, at least for nails fungus. I use to prepare an alcoholic extract of fresh roots from 2 years old plants harvested after the plant produce seeds.

LARGE INDIAN CRESS (Tropaeolum majus)

Leaves and flowers are used.

It has antibiotic properties due to their isotianate (sulfur and glucotropoline) content with proven effectiveness against several common bacteria. It is used at external and internal route (in respiratory and urinary systems).

CUMIN (Cuminum ciminum)

Aerial parts.

Cumin essential oil has a strong antifungal activity against several fungi of medical importance.

EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus and other sp).

Mature leaves from older branches.

The essential oils are very active due to their eucalyptol content , which gives the characteristic aroma and is used as of the respiratory tract and urinary tract antiseptic. It has proven effective against certain fungi. Its external use is highly recommended as an antiseptic, however internal use must be undertaken with caution.

JACARANDA (Jacaranda mimosaefolia)


Glutamic acid, and fixed oils that provide antimicrobial properties both in internal and external use. Its use in foodstuffs preservation is considered.

LICHENS (Cetraria islandica and others)

Many of them owe their antifungal and bacteriotatic properties to their usnic and vulpinic acids content.

MARCELA or MACELA (Achyroclyne satureoides)

The flowers are used.

Hydroalcoholic extract has a proven antiviral activity. Plant is little known worldwide but widely used in the Amazon area and at the south of South America.

YARROW (Achillea millefolium)

Aerial parts are used.

The alcoholic extract has a significant antiviral activity. It is also used locally to cure wounds. Its healing properties have been well known since ancient times.

WALNUT (Juglans regia)


Bark extracts have shown antimicrobial activity. Scientific publications do not mention active ingredients, but activity against staphylococci, Candida, colibacilar, pseudomonas and other microorganisms.

OREGANO (Origanum vulgare)

Aerial parts

Aqueous and alcoholic extracts and essential oils have powerful antimicrobial activity. Bacteria, fungi and viruses are effectively controlled.

The usual manufacture of aqueous extracts (obtained by decoction) and the alcoholic extracts (obtained by maceration in absolute alcohol or alcohol 96 °), permits a home made elaboration.

GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus paradise)

Extracts of this plant is touted as highly effective against a large number of microorganisms. So far I have found no publications that prove it.

I have seen only one study in which, after damaging the shell of the fruit, an antifungal compound is produced, but is not present in the healthy fruits.

PINE (Pinus silvestris)

The active ingredients are extracted mainly from the needles, leaves and young branches.

The essential oil with several compounds of antiseptic activity is used externally and in the airways (the turpentine is partially responsible for this activity). Has been recommended for urinary tract infections, although there are plants with greater effect and greater safety. The pinosilvina has antifungal activity.

THYME (Thymus vulgaris)

Leaves and flowers.

The essencial oils, the aqueous and alcoholic extracts, containing phenol, thymol and carvacrol, have a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial activity. Its antiviral activity is widely known, as its antifungal activity, although this requires very frequent applications, probably more than 6 times a day.

When boiling their aerial parts a characteristic aroma of phenols and derivatives, very similar to cloroxilenol (in these regions Espadol).

This antiviral activity with its astringent effect, the presence of tannins, make it a required component of herpes simple medications.

CAT'S CLAW (Uncaria tormentosa)

Roots or rhizome.

Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic extracts are potent antivirals, whereas the aqueous extracts are used as immune enhancers. This is a plant that has proven effective in enhancing the immune system for treatment of different ailments.


Free radicals control

Oxidative chemical reactions are produced by free radicals or agents "prooxidants, during normal cellular metabolic processes. The oxidation involves an exchange of ions with energy release and new radicals and oxidized substances formation.
There is a significant number of free radicals but the most important are the hydroxyl group, the superoxide anion and the hydrogen peroxide.

The body has its own system of control free radicals, through specialized enzymes, the most important, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, together with other substances such as albumin, uric acid and ceruloplastina.

This system, for various reasons, begins to fail and free radicals accumulate, causing major damage at various levels. Block the cell membranes, damage the mitochondria and vital cells, alter the DNA and tissues.

The production of free radicals in the organism is associated primarily with cell respiration and is more evident with aging, inflammation and immune reactions. Abnormal factors that can further enhance their appearance, some dietary deficiencies (eg. Vitamins), intoxications (alcohol, snuff, heavy metals, drugs).

Some of the most common pathological manifestations involving free radicals are, damage to DNA and cancer appearance, heart disease, arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, premature aging, diabetes, brain damage, damage ophthalmic, skin problems.

A help to normal antioxidants control is given by organic foods with antioxidant properties (and possibly supplements), some vitamins (C, E and A, retinol and carotenoids), minerals such as selenium, zinc, magnesium, sulfur, flavonoids and anthocyanins of plants, coenzyme Q and lipoic acid.

The existence of these phenomena is widely established, what still remains to be clarified is the possibility of altering its metabolic dominance through dietary treatments or medications, to reduce its prevalence and consequent damage.

The fact that a recent investigation has not shown any effect of antioxidant vitamins on life expectancy, should serve to trigger the execution of a series of studies demonstrating the importance of antioxidants in achieving better health and welfare of human beings, beyond the years to live.


Quite new research communications reveal that Vitamins E and C, despite of having known antioxidant properties, did not help on human cardiovascular disease and that other (not stated in the abstract) antioxidants did not stop senility mechanisms, at least in nematodes (worms).

Previous works had demonstrated that rats fed with antioxidants lived more than the controls. These works bring to a first page a quite old argument about antioxidants properties, involving plant antioxidant extracts as well.

As an enthusiastic supporter of antioxidants, that (I believe) allow me now to be writting you full of strengh and hope, I must to get in this argument. In the next posts I will make the attempt to clarify this complex subject.