Those foods that through man intervention are altered in their composition, beyond the direct consequence of the different techniques of cooking. Not considered in this group food derived by techniques like salted, smoked, etc..
They may be modified during plant or animal production or during handling, manufacturing or packaging. In sum they are obtained with the application of technology, be it elementary or advanced.
Probiotics are an example, microorganisms are used to transform, for example, milk and dairy products, to obtain products with an activity that could be considered medicinal, normalizing gastrointestinal functions and increasing the body's general defenses by stimulating immune system.
A very special and very simple example is evidenced by oranges and other fruits pulp micronización. The existence of smaller fiber particles allows a further decrease of blood cholesterol.
One of the most important current applications is genetic modification done in plant species, the "transgenic" plantsacquire new properties, different from the original species. One goal is to make these species more resistant to crops diseases. Another goal, higher productive crops, ie. to achieve a greater amount of food per unit of cultivated area and an additional, still in its beginning, getting food or components of them that are beneficial to health.
Genetic manipulation is being done also on animals and the whole discussion of the benefits or drawbacks of these techniques, is mixed with commercial interests, making it very difficult to find a balanced position.
The addition of additives and preservatives is also a change, but even more separated from the original idea to address this issue.
There is an important growing discussion about the difference between the use of modified or natural foods.
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