After the medicinal salad and to accompany a healthy meal, lean beef (from animals fed on pasture), skinless chicken (feed with no additives) and especially fish (prepared with natural recipes), I recommend drinking wine and although it is customary to drink white wine, in this case of a medicinal drink, red wine.
This is to take advantage of the presence of resveratrol in red wine. A substance produced by plants as defense against attacks by microorganisms, has been very active in the arrest of tumors formation. In this case, resveratrol, found in some grapes skin or peel, grapes used to produce red wine, is one of those chemicals and one of the most important.
That property is achieved by apoptosis, a mechanism by which tumoral cells destroy themselves. The activity of inducing tumor cells death would arise from direct interference in the cells growth cycle.
While the alcohol in wine (ethanol) would have an enhancing effect on this property of resveratrol, a wine product without alcohol had also positive results.
Resveratrol is one of the compounds responsible for the beneficial effects of wine on health. It is likely that the glass of wine daily, so healthy, will not be enough to stop the growth of a great number of tumors and laboratory techniques have to be used to achieve these effects, but still it is a further demonstration of the importance of plants on health.
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