
Medicinal red wine

After the medicinal salad and to accompany a healthy meal, lean beef (from animals fed on pasture), skinless chicken (feed with no additives) and especially fish (prepared with natural recipes), I recommend drinking wine and although it is customary to drink white wine, in this case of a medicinal drink, red wine.

This is to take advantage of the presence of resveratrol in red wine. A substance produced by plants as defense against attacks by microorganisms, has been very active in the arrest of tumors formation. In this case, resveratrol, found in some grapes skin or peel, grapes used to produce red wine, is one of those chemicals and one of the most important.

That property is achieved by apoptosis, a mechanism by which tumoral cells destroy themselves. The activity of inducing tumor cells death would arise from direct interference in the cells growth cycle.

While the alcohol in wine (ethanol) would have an enhancing effect on this property of resveratrol, a wine product without alcohol had also positive results.

Resveratrol is one of the compounds responsible for the beneficial effects of wine on health. It is likely that the glass of wine daily, so healthy, will not be enough to stop the growth of a great number of tumors and laboratory techniques have to be used to achieve these effects, but still it is a further demonstration of the importance of plants on health.


A medicinal preventive salad

This "medicinal recipe" is certainly not the most appetizing, but one of the healthiest. The plants listed below are to be added raw to the salad.

Garlic, a must be in all food medicine, with a healthy set of actions as described elsewhere and if heart protection is required , the crushed fresh garlic attains the best activity, according to a very recent research.

Broccoli, aerial parts and shoots. With vitamins A, C and E, antioxidant compounds, antitumor compounds, immune system enhancers and in the case of shoots a very effective compound for asthma control.

Pumpkin, Its fleshy pulp and it seeds. It is an important source of beta carotene, a vitamin A precursor and a powerful antioxidant with antitumor properties and a immune system enhancer. Contains phenolic compounds importat in cases of diabetes.

Turmeric is included for its anti-inflammatory activity, promotion of inmmune cell production and its particular taste, besides giving the salad a nice touch of color.

Another imperative condiment is oregano, with its phenolic acids and flavonoids, generously donating its antioxidant properties and its excellent flavor.

Tomato. In this case the tomato extracts is to be used, because of its anti-cancer properties and also it contains beta carotene, flavonoids, folate, potassium and vitamins C and E, chemicals that confer other important health properties, interfere with the formation of atheromas, modulate platelet aggregation and reduce blood pressure.

Red pepper. Energizing salad condiments must also contain one strong taste condiment, red pepper contains significant amounts of vitamin C, one of the best known compounds as immune system enhancers.

Generous amounts of olive oil completes the dish.

I agree that it is not a traditional salad, but really a series of properties beneficial for health, aiming to prevent a series of major diseases. The effects of these plants have been the subject of research, providing results that are favorable for its use.


Tomatos again, more health benefits

Tomato extracts have been mentioned in this blogs due to its anticancer properties, but that is not all from this delicious plant product. Betacarotene, flavonoids, folate, potassium and vitamins C and E, are chemicals that give tomato fruit other very important health properties.

These chemicals protect lipoproteins and vascular cells from oxidation, one of the mechanisms of atherosclerosis formation. Modulate platelet aggregation and reduce blood pressure. All these may help to reduce the development of cardiovascular disease.

The manufacture or processing methods are very important to maintain the different chemicals bioavailability.


Health benefits of olive oil

Olive oil is known for its many benefits on health, antiinflamatory properties, bactericidal activity, blood pressure reduction, cancer supression, cholesterol reduction, coronary heart disease protection, multiple sclerosis symptoms reduction, obesity control.

Plasmatic concentration reduction of substances that promote inflammation, in the blood vessels walls.

Phenolic compounds present in olive oil exert a strong bactericidal activity against Helycobacter pylori. This activity is a preventive of gastric cancer and ulcers.

Oleic acid, alpha tocopherol and phenolic compounds present in olive oil, through a mediators control reduce blood pressure.

Olive oil monoinsaturated fatty acids are responsible of olive oil protection against several types of cancer and ageing problems due to its antioxidative properties. They also protect against coronary heart disease.

HDL cholesterol increase, LDL cholesterol reduction and oxidative stress reduction are due to biophenols that increase the corresponding RNA transcription.

A reduction in fatigue symptoms present in multiple sclerosis was seen after a period of time in patients receiving olive oil.

Olive oil oleic acid stimulates an intestinal cells reaction producing a satiety feeling, therefore reducing food intake.

Broccoli and asthma

Talking about nutraceuticals, foof as medicine, there is a new research work.

A recent research published in the Clinical Inmunology journal reveals that sulphoraphane, a chemical contained in broccoli sprouts alleviates asthma symptoms.

The activity of this chemical, a potent antioxidant, is through the enhancement of enzymes that promote antioxidant reactions, thus avoiding inflamatory chain reactions to occur in the upper airway cells.

The patients were fed with a natural homogenate of broccoli sprouts, with no other modification.


Allergies and medicinal plants

Allergies are body abnormal reactions to substances that we are exposed in daily life. The immune system reacts excessively to substances that the body releases to control the presence of these substances.

Pollen, dust, fungal spores, microorganisms, suspended in dust, food, toxicns, are some of the agents that cause allergic reactions. They are called allergens.

Several plants have proven benefits in relieving the effects of some allergies that, as already mentioned, include inflammation of the tissues involved.

Garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa). Both plants contain quercetin, a potent anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic chemical. Garlic bulbs, one to two cloves per day, with food, would be sufficient and onion the skin or shell, prepare the broth with whole onions and then taƱe the skin off or boil the skins and add the filtered decoction to the food.

Altamisa or Matricaria (Tanacetum parthenium). A plant that has been used very successfully in migraines and in recent times has been investigated for its antiallergic properties.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba). The leaves aqueous extract of this tree contains ginkgolides, which interfere with the platelet aggregation factor (PAF) produced by the body, one of the allergic reactions starters, as well as asthma and inflammatory processes. However extracts of ginkgo should be used with caution, especially in prolonged treatments, due to several side effects.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). Several compounds found in the flowers of this plant, azulenes and chamazulenes have significant antiallergic and anti-inflammatory activities . They can be prepared as infusions for internal use or creams for external use .

Important, this plant and others of the same family have been described as responsible for causing allergies, so this must consider and the plant used with caution.

Nettles (Urtica dioica).Roots and leafs extracts have been used for many years for the treatment of various diseases including allergic reactions, mainly due to its antihistaminic properties. The extract of frozen dried leaves is particularly cited as one of the most effectives.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tormentosa). The roots aqueous extract of this vine is a powerful anti-inflammatory and may dramatically alleviate some allergies. Because some of confusion with plants of similar names, it is important to be sure to use the correct species.

Plants with high content of vitamin C. Citrus (though they can cause allergies), peppers, cayenne, guava, kiwi, watercress, and many other plants. Vitamin C is a powerful antihistaminic, one of the substances released when there is a contact with allergens in the body.


Heartburn and medicinal plants

Heartburn occurs when muscular opening that connects the esophagus to the stomach (cardias) is not functioning properly and does not hinder the passage of stomach contents into the esophagus. Stomach contents, usually acid "burn" the inside walls of the esophagus producing the well known burning sensation.

Heartburn occurs more often when you eat in a hurry, without chewing food properly. Another important factor is the type of food, fried foods, saturated fats, sugar, alcohol and coffee somehow increases gastric reflux. Smoking is also associated with the occurrence of heartburn.

Opinions are divided as to a possible cure of the sphincter functioning and an evolution to normal and proper passage closure of stomach contents to the esophagus.

What is generally controlled by treatments is the acidity degree of stomach contents, so that these will not damage the esophagus walls and do not worsen any existing lesions of the esophagus in patients with a heartburn history. As I said, I am or was one of the heartburn "sufferers" and I decided (or we decided with my family) to follow the medical doctor's advice. Lanzoprazol, one capsule of 30 mg. daily at mid-morning. It is a synthetic drug, I know. The favorable development of the ailment in just over 1 year says the doctor was right.

Medicinal plants, I recommend to support a heartburn treatment.

Angelica (Angelica archangelica). It has a curative action on the walls of the digestive tract, it is highly indicated and have been used for a long time. Other related plants such as celery, fennel, carrots and papaya also have similar effects.

Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia). One of the most powerful acid neutralizer plants. As I have mentioned more than once, a leaves decoction, drank at regular intervals between meals, can bring an action similar to that of the synthetic selective blockers. The problem is that I can not recommend an exact dosage and it would be most desirable that a laboratory develop a controlled extract release medicine.

Dill (Anethum graveolens). A decoction of this plant seeds has been used for many years to cure or control digestive problems. Not recommended for use by pregnant women. Fennel has similar qualities.

Gentian (Gentiana officinalis). A decoction of the plant drank a while after each meal is a carminative and helps to prevent heartburn onset of symptoms.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). An infusion of chamomile flowers a few minutes after meal is and has been a very interesting solution for heartburn. It has a local shooting activity and a general calming effect.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Licorice extracts used moderately, due to its antispasmodic effects and hydrochloric acid reduction, are important. However, it must be borne in mind that it is not recommended for prolonged use, due to multiple side effects, including blood pressure elevation and fluids retention.

Fruits such as kiwi, papaya and pineapple help to relieve digestive problems like gastric reflux. Also diets based on foods with white meats (poultry and fish), milk creams, fruits and vegetables, are beneficial.


Recent advances in asthma control

One aspect to highlight is the need for quick attention by specialists. Any delay in addressing asthma attacks in all ages, could mean a worsening of the disease process.

The information here provided on the use of medicinal plants and products derived from them, in asthmatics does not attempt to promote self treatments, but to support physicians and patients about the potential of medicinal plants.

There is scientific evidence showing an increasingly blunt about the effectiveness of chemicals in plants of different mechanisms for the development of asthma attacks. Leukotriene antagonists and prostaglandins synthesis, substances that interfere with the recipients of allergens that trigger allergic reactions, plant substances that diminish the hyper-reactivity of the bronchial epithelium and a few more shares.

These findings not only demonstrate the existence of evidence for the traditional use of many plants, but should be the starting point for the industrial development of products based on medicinal plants. For many countries this can mean at least a technological independence and a reduction in costs of health care.

For example, it is demonstrated that quercetin, present in great amounts in the onion skin (Allium cepa), has a potent anti-inflammatory activity, through several inflammation processes, including these that highlights the regulation of T
lymphocytes, important in the body immune responses.

Report on Asthma Control

In one of the associated blogs I have published a report on asthma control. Here are the titles of their contents.

TYPES OF ASTHMA Asthma Child Asthma Adult Asthma Exercise-Induced Asthma Occupational Asthma Night steroid-resistant asthma (severe asthma)
Age causes of asthma, asthma in children Allergies Environmental factors Snuff Smoke
Obesity Genetics Pregnancy Stress hyper-reactivity of several airway diseases
DIAGNOSIS OF ASTHMA Medical History Signs and symptoms
Physical Exam
Other evidence of breath test
Successful treatment of asthma checkups Medicines Control
Medication for long-term control Alternative Treatments

Read the whole report CLICK HERE


Green tea and prostate cancer

Recent scientific articles highlight the green tea possibilities to control prostate cancer. Abstracts of these articles are quoted.

.- Chemoprevention of prostate cancer: what can be recommended to patients?

Curr Urol Rep. 2009 May;10(3):165-71.

Colli JL, Amling CL.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1530 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA. 

Prostate cancer is third to lung and colon cancer as the cause of cancer-related deaths in American men. It is estimated that there will have been more than 28,000 deaths and 186,000 new cases in 2008 that will impose a significant burden on national health care costs. Chemoprevention aims to reduce both incidence and mortality through the use of agents to prevent, reverse, or delay the carcinogenic process. This study provides clinicians with information on some chemoprevention agents that have been considered to reduce prostate cancer risks, including 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors; statins (a class of compounds used to reduce cholesterol); NSAIDs; selenium; vitamins E and D; lycopene; allium vegetables (garlic, scallions, onions, chives, and leeks); soy/isoflavones; and green tea polyphenols. The evidence to support prostate cancer risk reduction benefits for each chemoprevention agent based on a review of the literature is provided.

.- Green tea: nature's defense against malignancies.

Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2009 May;49(5):463-73.
Butt MS, Sultan MT.

National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. 

The current practice of introducing phytochemicals to support the immune system or fight against diseases is based on centuries old traditions. Nutritional support is a recent advancement in the domain of diet-based therapies; green tea and its constituents are one of the important components of these strategies to prevent and cure various malignancies. The anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic activities of green tea were highlighted some years ago suggesting that it could reduce the prevalence of cancer and even provide protection. The pharmacological actions of green tea are mainly attributed to polyphenols that includes epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), epicatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin. Green tea and its components effectively mitigate cellular damage arising due to oxidative stress. Green tea is supposed to enhance humoral and cell-mediated immunity, decreasing the risk of certain cancers, and may have certain advantage in treating inflammatory disorders. Much of the cancer chemopreventive properties of green tea are mediated by EGCG that induces apoptosis and promotes cell growth arrest, by altering the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins, activating killer caspases, and suppressing nuclear factor kappa-B activation. Besides, it regulates and promotes IL-23 dependent DNA repair and stimulates cytotoxic T cells activities in a tumor microenvironment. It also blocks carcinogenesis by modulating the signal transduction pathways involved in cell proliferation, transformation, inflammation and metastasis. The review is intended to highlight the chemistry of green tea, its antioxidant potential, its immunopotentiating properties and mode of action against various cancer cell lines that showed its potential as a chemopreventive agent against colon, skin, lung, prostate, and breast cancer.