Heartburn occurs when muscular opening that connects the esophagus to the stomach (cardias) is not functioning properly and does not hinder the passage of stomach contents into the esophagus. Stomach contents, usually acid "burn" the inside walls of the esophagus producing the well known burning sensation.
Heartburn occurs more often when you eat in a hurry, without chewing food properly. Another important factor is the type of food, fried foods, saturated fats, sugar, alcohol and coffee somehow increases gastric reflux. Smoking is also associated with the occurrence of heartburn.
Opinions are divided as to a possible cure of the sphincter functioning and an evolution to normal and proper passage closure of stomach contents to the esophagus.
What is generally controlled by treatments is the acidity degree of stomach contents, so that these will not damage the esophagus walls and do not worsen any existing lesions of the esophagus in patients with a heartburn history. As I said, I am or was one of the heartburn "sufferers" and I decided (or we decided with my family) to follow the medical doctor's advice. Lanzoprazol, one capsule of 30 mg. daily at mid-morning. It is a synthetic drug, I know. The favorable development of the ailment in just over 1 year says the doctor was right.
Medicinal plants, I recommend to support a heartburn treatment.
Angelica (Angelica archangelica). It has a curative action on the walls of the digestive tract, it is highly indicated and have been used for a long time. Other related plants such as celery, fennel, carrots and papaya also have similar effects.
Congorosa (Maytenus ilicifolia). One of the most powerful acid neutralizer plants. As I have mentioned more than once, a leaves decoction, drank at regular intervals between meals, can bring an action similar to that of the synthetic selective blockers. The problem is that I can not recommend an exact dosage and it would be most desirable that a laboratory develop a controlled extract release medicine.
Dill (Anethum graveolens). A decoction of this plant seeds has been used for many years to cure or control digestive problems. Not recommended for use by pregnant women. Fennel has similar qualities.
Gentian (Gentiana officinalis). A decoction of the plant drank a while after each meal is a carminative and helps to prevent heartburn onset of symptoms.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). An infusion of chamomile flowers a few minutes after meal is and has been a very interesting solution for heartburn. It has a local shooting activity and a general calming effect.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Licorice extracts used moderately, due to its antispasmodic effects and hydrochloric acid reduction, are important. However, it must be borne in mind that it is not recommended for prolonged use, due to multiple side effects, including blood pressure elevation and fluids retention.
Fruits such as kiwi, papaya and pineapple help to relieve digestive problems like gastric reflux. Also diets based on foods with white meats (poultry and fish), milk creams, fruits and vegetables, are beneficial.